The Value of Respect, The Story of Abraham Lincoln
I was in year 5 in 1985, attending St Patrick’s College Strathfield when I stumbled upon a book about the 16th President of the United States. ‘The Value of Respect. The Story of Abraham Lincoln’. Incredibly, very few books have had a greater impact on me. In terms of my leadership and how I live my life, I have always tried to stand by what I know to be right, even if this conflicts with popular opinion.
Courage is a rare quality. To look somebody in the eye and speak the truth. To say what you truly believe is in their best interests. While everyone says they want you to be direct, they often don’t like what they’re hearing, however, if delivered in an empathetic way, they generally walk away, process the discussion and ultimately respect you for taking the time to be honest and care enough to share.
The world has shifted. Popularity is of far more importance than courage, however one of these qualities are fickle and often present with zero loyalty. The other is sustainable and a far more rewarding way to live.
To find out more, please reach out to me directly, or speak to any of our award winning team.
-Richard Baini